Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
God has called us to make an impact for the Kingdom of Heaven both near and far!



Join the mission
Experience Missions at Hope Church
Chicago City Life Tour – Saturday, Jan. 20, 10-11:30 am – This will be an information and prayer tour of this thriving church & ministry in the Englewood neighborhood of Chicago. Touch the vision of the Life House (Pregnancy Center & Home), Life Pre-School, Pregnancy Resource Center, and other outreaches of the CCLC. We will meet at Hope and travel together. Must sign up to attend.
Check it out: https://www.southsidelifehouse.org/
Liberia, Africa - Life Church Dinner & Virtual Interview with Pastor Sam Yarweh. Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, 6:30pm – Do you want to know more about this 16-year partnership with our Liberian daughter church? Join us for a delicious African food and fellowship, information about upcoming projects in Liberia and how you can be involved. Must sign up to attend. Cost for Dinner $20.
Teach Global Dinner (and interview with teachers who have participated). Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024, 5:00-7:00pm – Our most recent teacher-training mission trip was to the country of Liberia, Africa. Other trips have been to Haiti and Cambodia. Join us for a night of delicious African food and fellowship, information about upcoming teacher trips and how you can be involved. Must sign up to attend. Cost for Dinner $20.
Guatemala Mission Trip – February 17-23, 2024. This trip is open to all campuses. The team will travel to El Faro Mission and will participate in a variety of serving opportunities. A ZOOM information meeting will be held on Sunday December 10 at 2pm
Check it out: https://www.southsidelifehouse.org/
Liberia, Africa - Life Church Dinner & Virtual Interview with Pastor Sam Yarweh. Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, 6:30pm – Do you want to know more about this 16-year partnership with our Liberian daughter church? Join us for a delicious African food and fellowship, information about upcoming projects in Liberia and how you can be involved. Must sign up to attend. Cost for Dinner $20.
Teach Global Dinner (and interview with teachers who have participated). Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024, 5:00-7:00pm – Our most recent teacher-training mission trip was to the country of Liberia, Africa. Other trips have been to Haiti and Cambodia. Join us for a night of delicious African food and fellowship, information about upcoming teacher trips and how you can be involved. Must sign up to attend. Cost for Dinner $20.
Guatemala Mission Trip – February 17-23, 2024. This trip is open to all campuses. The team will travel to El Faro Mission and will participate in a variety of serving opportunities. A ZOOM information meeting will be held on Sunday December 10 at 2pm
Experience Missions Registration
Interested in any of the Experience Missions Events? Sign up today!
Through Global Hope we support over 40 global ministry teams in the following countries.
AFRICA: Burkina Faso, Lethsoto, Liberia, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa & 1 unnamed highly restricted nation.
ASIA: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar
SOUTH AMERICA & CARRIBEAN: Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Venezuela.
ASIA: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar
SOUTH AMERICA & CARRIBEAN: Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Venezuela.
NORTH AFRICA & MIDDLE EAST: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco
EUROPE & EURASIA: Albania, Belgium, Great Britain, Turkey
NORTH AMERICA: 2 ChiAlpha campus ministries in Chicago & 1 in Madison, WI, Impact Ministries in Maywood, Chicago City Life Center
EUROPE & EURASIA: Albania, Belgium, Great Britain, Turkey
NORTH AMERICA: 2 ChiAlpha campus ministries in Chicago & 1 in Madison, WI, Impact Ministries in Maywood, Chicago City Life Center